Data Docs in Azure ADLS $web subdirectory not working

Hello together,

  1. Environment (skip if using GX Cloud): Please let us know the environment in which you are working in.
  • Operating system: Databricks + Azure ADLS Gen2
  • Version numbers:
  • Programming language: Python
  1. Problem Statement:
  • I was trying to do the following:
    I configured my GX in a way that I’m able to store my GX artifacts (GX Expectations, GX Checkpoint etc.) in an ADLS Gen2 project container. Second I wanted to store my data docs from executed checkpoints in as a static website in the $web container. Because of several other projects are using the same Azure storage account I wanted to put my data docs in $web/ct10/ subdirectory (ct10 is my project), expecting that the main page index.html will show a list of executed checkpoints results. This works btw when I use the root dir $web instead of $web/ct10/

  • Instead, this is happening:
    After executing some checkpoints index.html shows no list

  1. Reproducing the issue: Details necessary to enable us to reproduce the issue and provide a quick resolution. E.g.: What commands or code did you run and/or what actions did you take that led to the issue?Steps to reproduce the behavior could look something like the following:

  2. I ran this command or piece of code ‘…’
    My code:

context_root_dir = f"/dbfs{project.MNT_PATH}/DataQuality/GX/"

project_config = gx.data_context.types.base.DataContextConfig(
    ## Local storage backend
    ## Data docs site storage
      "az_site": {
        "class_name": "SiteBuilder",
        "store_backend": {
          "class_name": "TupleAzureBlobStoreBackend",
          "container":  "\$web",
          "prefix": "ct10/",
          "connection_string":  "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<storage_account>>;AccountKey=<key>;",
        "site_index_builder": {
          "class_name": "DefaultSiteIndexBuilder",
          "show_cta_footer": True,

context = gx.get_context(project_config=project_config)

data_source_name = f"{get_hive_table_db_name()}".lower()
  data_asset_name = f"{get_product_name()}".lower()
  batch_request = (context
    .add_dataframe_asset(name=data_asset_name, dataframe=df_Staging)

# Run the default onboarding profiler on the batch request
    onboarding_data_assistant_result = (context
        estimation="flag_outliers", # default: "exact"

    # Get the suite with specific name
    onboarding_suite_name = "onboarding_"+data_source_name+"_"+data_asset_name
    onboarding_suite = (onboarding_data_assistant_result

    # Perist expectation suite with the specified suite name from above


    # Create and persist checkpoint to reuse for multiple batches
        name = onboarding_checkpoint_name,
        config_version = 1,
        class_name = "SimpleCheckpoint",
        validations = [
            {"expectation_suite_name": onboarding_suite_name}

# Run Onboarding checkpoint
  checkpoint_result = context.run_checkpoint(
  1. Additional information:
    At least documentation was created. But only reachable via deep-link

Newest release was used

When using $web instead of $web/ct10 a list is created

I changed the settings a little bit and now I’m able to store the data docs files in the required subdirectory.
But now I have another problem regarding content-type of the .html files. Now the .hrml files are not written as text/html but as application/octet-stream on ADLS. This leads to they are not opened and shown in the browser directly as .html files but the browser offers to download them and after the download they can be opened in the browser as hrml files. This is a little unhandy.

Before doing this I needed a Mountpoint leading to the $web container on my storage account.

With this settings

project_config = gx.data_context.types.base.DataContextConfig(
    ## Local storage backend
    ## Data docs site storage
        "default_site": {
            "class_name": "SiteBuilder",
            "store_backend": {
                "class_name": "TupleFilesystemStoreBackend",
                "root_directory": "/dbfs/mnt/sdl/control-tower-ccu-gx/",
                "base_directory": "ct10/",
            "site_index_builder": {
                "class_name": "DefaultSiteIndexBuilder",
                "show_how_to_buttons": True,
            "show_expectation_suite_level_help": True,
context = gx.get_context(project_config=project_config)

Data Docs are written to the subfolder ct10/ when executing


but like mentioned as content-type application/octet-stream.
Is this a issue and can be fixed?
There was a similar problem with the azure upload mentioned in azure static website prompt users to download the file instead of rendering the contents of datadoc · Issue #2537 · great-expectations/great_expectations (

Or please give me a hint to solve the first problem posted on Feb 20th.
Thx and have a nice weekend,

@hdamczy Hi Holger, thanks for reaching out!

I’ll summarize my understanding of the issue:

  • In your first attempt, you used a TupleAzureBlobStoreBackend, which uploads files as content-type=text/html but does not behave as expected when writing Data Docs to the specified path in ADLS.
  • In your second attempt, you used a TupleFilesystemStoreBackend which successfully writes Data Docs to the specified path in ADLS, but uploads files as content-type=application/octet-stream.

Since you’re using ADLS/ABS to host your Data Docs and will need your content-type to be html, let’s focus on troubleshooting using the TupleAzureBlobStoreBackend SiteBuilder.

Your Data Docs config is correct based on our current documentation, and I would expect the prefix to work in the way you intended. However, as a first try, can you set the container to \$web/ct10 and remove the prefix?:

      "az_site": {
        "class_name": "SiteBuilder",
        "store_backend": {
          "class_name": "TupleAzureBlobStoreBackend",
          "container":  "\$web/ct10",
          "connection_string":  "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<storage_account>>;AccountKey=<key>;",
        "site_index_builder": {
          "class_name": "DefaultSiteIndexBuilder"

Hello , thank you for your hint. :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

The good news is it works. :blush: Files are written in ct10 subdirectory! :palms_up_together:t2:
And .html-files are in content-type text/html! :two_hearts:
But unfortunately I get an error after executing the following code:
This here works so far:

# Profiler
    # Run the default onboarding profiler on the batch request
    onboarding_data_assistant_result = (context
            estimation="exact", # default: "exact"; "flag_outliers"

    # Get the suite with specific name
    onboarding_suite_name = data_source_name+"_"+data_asset_name
    onboarding_suite = (onboarding_data_assistant_result

    # Perist expectation suite with the specified suite name from above


    # Create and persist checkpoint to reuse for multiple batches
        name = onboarding_checkpoint_name,
        config_version = 1,
        class_name = "SimpleCheckpoint",
        validations = [
            {"expectation_suite_name": onboarding_suite_name}

This generates a JSON file in context_root_dir
Which can then be read and used in the execution of a checkpoint

# Run Onboarding checkpoint
  co..._datasources_block_checkpoint_result = context.get_checkpoint("co..._datasources_block").run(batch_request=batch_request)

Where the following error occurs.
But the .html file is generated anyways in
and it looks (pretty fine) like this:

Strange. :thinking: But no index.html is generated in

Maybe this is where the following error has it’s root cause?
I hope you have here also a good hint to get this working. :slight_smile:


HttpResponseError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
File <command-2347044268606593>, line 16
     14 except Exception as exception:
     15   handle_exception(exception, dbutils.notebook.entry_point.getDbutils().notebook().getContext())
---> 16   raise exception

File <command-2347044268606593>, line 3
      1 try:
      2   # Run Onboarding checkpoint
----> 3   co..._datasources_block_checkpoint_result = context.get_checkpoint("co..._datasources_block").run(batch_request=batch_request)
     14 except Exception as exception:

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/checkpoint/, in, template_name, run_name_template, expectation_suite_name, batch_request, validator, action_list, evaluation_parameters, runtime_configuration, validations, profilers, run_id, run_name, run_time, result_format, site_names, slack_webhook, notify_on, notify_with, expectation_suite_ge_cloud_id)
   1252 if any((site_names, slack_webhook, notify_on, notify_with)):
   1253     new_baseline_config = self._configurator_class(
   1255         data_context=self.data_context,
   1260         notify_with=notify_with,
   1261     ).build()
-> 1263 return super().run(
   1264     template_name=template_name,
   1265     run_name_template=run_name_template,
   1266     expectation_suite_name=expectation_suite_name,
   1267     batch_request=batch_request,
   1268     validator=validator,
   1269     action_list=new_baseline_config.action_list
   1270     if new_baseline_config
   1271     else action_list,
   1272     evaluation_parameters=evaluation_parameters,
   1273     runtime_configuration=runtime_configuration,
   1274     validations=validations,
   1275     profilers=profilers,
   1276     run_id=run_id,
   1277     run_name=run_name,
   1278     run_time=run_time,
   1279     result_format=result_format,
   1280     expectation_suite_ge_cloud_id=expectation_suite_ge_cloud_id,
   1281 )

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/core/usage_statistics/, in usage_statistics_enabled_method.<locals>.usage_statistics_wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs)
    263         args_payload = args_payload_fn(*args, **kwargs) or {}
    264         nested_update(event_payload, args_payload)
--> 266     result = func(*args, **kwargs)
    267     message["success"] = True
    268 except Exception:

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/checkpoint/, in, template_name, run_name_template, expectation_suite_name, batch_request, validator, action_list, evaluation_parameters, runtime_configuration, validations, profilers, run_id, run_name, run_time, result_format, expectation_suite_ge_cloud_id)
    303 if len(validations) > 0:
    304     for idx, validation_dict in enumerate(validations):
--> 305         self._run_validation(
    306             substituted_runtime_config=substituted_runtime_config,
    307             async_validation_operator_results=async_validation_operator_results,
    308             async_executor=async_executor,
    309             result_format=result_format,
    310             run_id=run_id,
    311             idx=idx,
    312             validation_dict=validation_dict,
    313         )
    314 else:
    315     self._run_validation(
    316         substituted_runtime_config=substituted_runtime_config,
    317         async_validation_operator_results=async_validation_operator_results,
    320         run_id=run_id,
    321     )

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/checkpoint/, in BaseCheckpoint._run_validation(self, substituted_runtime_config, async_validation_operator_results, async_executor, result_format, run_id, idx, validation_dict)
    526         operator_run_kwargs["catch_exceptions"] = catch_exceptions_validation
    528     validation_id: str | None = substituted_validation_dict.get("id")
--> 530     async_validation_operator_result = async_executor.submit(
    532         assets_to_validate=[validator],
    533         run_id=run_id,
    534         evaluation_parameters=substituted_validation_dict.get(
    535             "evaluation_parameters"
    536         ),
    537         result_format=result_format,
    538         checkpoint_identifier=checkpoint_identifier,
    540         validation_id=validation_id,
    541         **operator_run_kwargs,
    542     )
    543     async_validation_operator_results.append(async_validation_operator_result)
    544 except (
    545     gx_exceptions.CheckpointError,
    546     gx_exceptions.ExecutionEngineError,
    547     gx_exceptions.MetricError,
    548 ) as e:

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/core/, in AsyncExecutor.submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs)
    102     return AsyncResult(
    103         future=self._thread_pool_executor.submit(fn, *args, **kwargs)  # type: ignore[union-attr]
    104     )
    105 else:
--> 106     return AsyncResult(value=fn(*args, **kwargs))

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/validation_operators/, in, assets_to_validate, run_id, evaluation_parameters, run_name, run_time, catch_exceptions, result_format, checkpoint_identifier, checkpoint_name, validation_id)
    410 validation_result.meta["validation_id"] = validation_id
    411 validation_result.meta["checkpoint_id"] = (
    412 if checkpoint_identifier else None
    413 )
--> 415 batch_actions_results = self._run_actions(
    416     batch=batch,
    417     expectation_suite_identifier=expectation_suite_identifier,
    418     expectation_suite=batch._expectation_suite,
    419     batch_validation_result=validation_result,
    420     run_id=run_id,
    421     validation_result_id=validation_result_id,
    422     checkpoint_identifier=checkpoint_identifier,
    423 )
    425 run_result_obj = {
    426     "validation_result": validation_result,
    427     "actions_results": batch_actions_results,
    428 }
    429 run_results[validation_result_id] = run_result_obj

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/validation_operators/, in ActionListValidationOperator._run_actions(self, batch, expectation_suite_identifier, expectation_suite, batch_validation_result, run_id, validation_result_id, checkpoint_identifier)
    506     except Exception as e:
    507         logger.exception(f"Error running action with name {action['name']}")
--> 508         raise e
    510 return batch_actions_results

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/validation_operators/, in ActionListValidationOperator._run_actions(self, batch, expectation_suite_identifier, expectation_suite, batch_validation_result, run_id, validation_result_id, checkpoint_identifier)
    472     validation_result_id = ValidationResultIdentifier(
    473         expectation_suite_identifier=expectation_suite_identifier,
    474         run_id=run_id,
    475         batch_identifier=batch_identifier,
    476     )
    477 try:
--> 478     action_result = self.actions[name].run(
    479         validation_result_suite_identifier=validation_result_id,
    480         validation_result_suite=batch_validation_result,
    481         data_asset=batch,
    482         payload=batch_actions_results,
    483         expectation_suite_identifier=expectation_suite_identifier,
    484         checkpoint_identifier=checkpoint_identifier,
    485     )
    487     # Transform action_result if it not a dictionary.
    488     if isinstance(action_result, GXCloudResourceRef):

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/checkpoint/, in, validation_result_suite, validation_result_suite_identifier, data_asset, expectation_suite_identifier, checkpoint_identifier, **kwargs)
     72 @public_api
     73 def run(  # noqa: PLR0913
     74     self,
     82     **kwargs,
     83 ):
     84     """Public entrypoint GX uses to trigger a ValidationAction.
     86     When a ValidationAction is configured in a Checkpoint, this method gets called
     98         A Dict describing the result of the Action.
     99     """
--> 100     return self._run(
    101         validation_result_suite=validation_result_suite,
    102         validation_result_suite_identifier=validation_result_suite_identifier,
    103         data_asset=data_asset,
    104         expectation_suite_identifier=expectation_suite_identifier,
    105         checkpoint_identifier=checkpoint_identifier,
    106         **kwargs,
    107     )

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/checkpoint/, in UpdateDataDocsAction._run(self, validation_result_suite, validation_result_suite_identifier, data_asset, payload, expectation_suite_identifier, checkpoint_identifier)
   1174     raise TypeError(
   1175         "validation_result_id must be of type ValidationResultIdentifier or GeCloudIdentifier, not {}".format(
   1176             type(validation_result_suite_identifier)
   1177         )
   1178     )
   1180 # TODO Update for RenderedDataDocs
   1181 # build_data_docs will return the index page for the validation results, but we want to return the url for the validation result using the code below
-> 1182 self.data_context.build_data_docs(
   1183     site_names=self._site_names,
   1184     resource_identifiers=[
   1185         validation_result_suite_identifier,
   1186         expectation_suite_identifier,
   1187     ],
   1188 )
   1189 # <snippet name="great_expectations/checkpoint/ empty dict">
   1190 data_docs_validation_results: dict = {}

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/core/usage_statistics/, in usage_statistics_enabled_method.<locals>.usage_statistics_wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs)
    263         args_payload = args_payload_fn(*args, **kwargs) or {}
    264         nested_update(event_payload, args_payload)
--> 266     result = func(*args, **kwargs)
    267     message["success"] = True
    268 except Exception:

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/data_context/data_context/, in AbstractDataContext.build_data_docs(self, site_names, resource_identifiers, dry_run, build_index)
   5269 @usage_statistics_enabled_method(
   5270     event_name=UsageStatsEvents.DATA_CONTEXT_BUILD_DATA_DOCS,
   5271 )
   5278     build_index: bool = True,
   5279 ):
   5280     """Build Data Docs for your project.
   5282     --Documentation--
   5304         ClassInstantiationError: Site config in your Data Context config is not valid.
   5305     """
-> 5306     return self._build_data_docs(
   5307         site_names=site_names,
   5308         resource_identifiers=resource_identifiers,
   5309         dry_run=dry_run,
   5310         build_index=build_index,
   5311     )

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/data_context/data_context/, in AbstractDataContext._build_data_docs(self, site_names, resource_identifiers, dry_run, build_index)
   5349     index_page_locator_infos[
   5350         site_name
   5351     ] = site_builder.get_resource_url(only_if_exists=False)
   5352 else:
-> 5353     index_page_resource_identifier_tuple =
   5354         resource_identifiers,
   5355         build_index=build_index,
   5356     )
   5357     if index_page_resource_identifier_tuple:
   5358         index_page_locator_infos[
   5359             site_name
   5360         ] = index_page_resource_identifier_tuple[0]

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/render/renderer/, in, resource_identifiers, build_index)
    319     return
    321 self.target_store.copy_static_assets()
--> 323 _, index_links_dict =
    324 return (
    325     self.get_resource_url(only_if_exists=False),
    326     index_links_dict,
    327 )

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/render/renderer/, in, skip_and_clean_missing, build_index)
    753 if self.show_how_to_buttons:
    754     index_links_dict["cta_object"] = self.get_calls_to_action()
--> 756 self._add_expectations_to_index_links(index_links_dict, skip_and_clean_missing)
    757 validation_and_profiling_result_site_keys = (
    758     self._build_validation_and_profiling_result_site_keys(
    759         skip_and_clean_missing
    760     )
    761 )
    762 self._add_profiling_to_index_links(
    763     index_links_dict, validation_and_profiling_result_site_keys
    764 )

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/render/renderer/, in DefaultSiteIndexBuilder._add_expectations_to_index_links(self, index_links_dict, skip_and_clean_missing)
    795 if expectations and expectations not in FALSEY_YAML_STRINGS:
    796     expectation_suite_source_keys = self.data_context.stores[
    797         self.site_section_builders_config["expectations"].get(
    798             "source_store_name"
    799         )
    800     ].list_keys()
    801     expectation_suite_site_keys = [
    802         ExpectationSuiteIdentifier.from_tuple(expectation_suite_tuple)
    803         for expectation_suite_tuple in self.target_store.store_backends[
    804             ExpectationSuiteIdentifier
--> 805         ].list_keys()
    806     ]
    807     if skip_and_clean_missing:
    808         cleaned_keys = []

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/data_context/store/, in TupleAzureBlobStoreBackend.list_keys(self, prefix)
   1130 @override
   1131 def list_keys(self, prefix: Tuple = ()) -> List[Tuple]:
   1132     # Note that the prefix arg is only included to maintain consistency with the parent class signature
   1133     key_list = []
-> 1135     for obj in self._container_client.list_blobs(name_starts_with=self.prefix):
   1136         az_blob_key = os.path.relpath(
   1137         if az_blob_key.startswith(f"{self.prefix}{os.path.sep}"):

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/core/, in ItemPaged.__next__(self)
    121 if self._page_iterator is None:
    122     self._page_iterator = itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.by_page())
--> 123 return next(self._page_iterator)

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/core/, in PageIterator.__next__(self)
     73     raise StopIteration("End of paging")
     74 try:
---> 75     self._response = self._get_next(self.continuation_token)
     76 except AzureError as error:
     77     if not error.continuation_token:

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/storage/blob/, in BlobPropertiesPaged._get_next_cb(self, continuation_token)
     93     return self._command(
     94         prefix=self.prefix,
     95         marker=continuation_token or None,
     96         maxresults=self.results_per_page,
     97         cls=return_context_and_deserialized,
     98         use_location=self.location_mode)
     99 except HttpResponseError as error:
--> 100     process_storage_error(error)

File /local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/storage/blob/_shared/, in process_storage_error(storage_error)
    181 error.args = (error.message,)
    182 try:
    183     # `from None` prevents us from double printing the exception (suppresses generated layer error context)
--> 184     exec("raise error from None")   # pylint: disable=exec-used # nosec
    185 except SyntaxError as exc:
    186     raise error from exc

File <string>:1

HttpResponseError: The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server.
Content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Error><Code>InvalidUri</Code><Message>The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server.

@hdamczy Hi Holger,

It looks like the error is caused when building Data Docs - listing the available Azure blobs generates an invalid URI response because the requested URI doesn’t exist.

I’m not familiar with the azure Python library, so I’m not sure if this is an issue with the GX code or the azure code (or potentially the specific contents of your ADLS container).

Since the last GX line of code touched is self._container_client.list_blobs(name_starts_with=self.prefix), my best guess is that it’s being caused by some sort of path issue based on the Data Docs container arg, prefix arg, and the structure of your ADLS container.

I would first recommend updating your SimpleCheckpoint to a regular Checkpoint, the use of SimpleCheckpoint is deprecated. It might not be related to the error, but it does remove a potential cause of the error.

    name="<onboarding checkpoint name>",
    expectation_suite_name="<onboarding suite name>",

checkpoint_result = context.get_checkpoint("<onboarding checkpoint name>").run()

I’m wondering if the issue might be the container setting of \$web/ct10 - maybe the list_blobs call has a problem with the subdirectory path? If you’re still seeing the same behavior after updating the Checkpoint, I’d try experimenting with different container, prefix, and filepath_prefix arg combinations for your Data Docs site definition, for instance:

	"container": "\$web",
	"filepath_prefix": "ct10/",

Hi Rachel,

thank you for your additional reply. I first installed the latest version 0.18.10 on my Databricks cluster.
As you suggested, I’ve changed the SimpleCheckpoint to a regular Checkpoint.

        name = onboarding_checkpoint_name,

Furthermore, I experimented a bit with the parameters container, prefix, and filepath_prefix.

When using this setting:

"container": "\\$web", 
"prefix": "ct10/", 
"filepath_prefix": "ct10/",

and execute the following checkpoint
datasources_block_checkpoint_result = context.get_checkpoint(“onboarding_checkpoint_name").run()

I get the following error message:
great_expectations.exceptions.exceptions.StoreBackendError: Unable to initialize TupleStoreBackend: filepath_prefix may not end with a forbidden substring. Current forbidden substrings are ['/', '\\']

For all other variants with no slash at the end of filepath_prefix I got a tracelog like in error-message-1.

I forked the code it in Git from version 0.18.x and tried to narrow down the error in VSCode.
Unfortunately, this was beyond my current programming skills. :blush:

But I’ve found that the GX code is quite capable of writing “something” to the ADLS container with these parameters. However, as follows.

When I use this settings

"container":  "\$web",
#"prefix": "ct10/",
#"filepath_prefix": "ct10",

files are being written as shown in Pic1 marked in yellow.
GX puts files in subdirecories like expectations and validations and an creates an index.html you can open in the browser to see the results and the links in these .html-files are working properly.

But when I use these settings:

"container":  "\$web",
#"prefix": "ct10/",
"filepath_prefix": "ct10",

files are being written as shown in Pic1 markesd in turquoise.
GX puts everything in one subirectory (ct10/). And the index.html is missing.
That’s also imho the reason why error-message-1 occurs, because he can’t find the index.html to modify it.
But I didn’t figure out why?



Error running action with name update_data_docs
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/validation_operators/", line 478, in _run_actions
    action_result = self.actions[name].run(
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/checkpoint/", line 100, in run
    return self._run(
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/checkpoint/", line 1182, in _run
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/core/usage_statistics/", line 266, in usage_statistics_wrapped_method
    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/data_context/data_context/", line 5306, in build_data_docs
    return self._build_data_docs(
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/data_context/data_context/", line 5353, in _build_data_docs
    index_page_resource_identifier_tuple =
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/render/renderer/", line 323, in build
    _, index_links_dict =
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/render/renderer/", line 756, in build
    self._add_expectations_to_index_links(index_links_dict, skip_and_clean_missing)
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/render/renderer/", line 813, in _add_expectations_to_index_links
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/great_expectations/data_context/store/", line 1201, in remove_key
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/core/tracing/", line 78, in wrapper_use_tracer
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/storage/blob/", line 1211, in delete_blob
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/storage/blob/_shared/", line 184, in process_storage_error
    exec("raise error from None")   # pylint: disable=exec-used # nosec
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/storage/blob/", line 1209, in delete_blob
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/core/tracing/", line 78, in wrapper_use_tracer
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/storage/blob/_generated/operations/", line 2116, in delete
    map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map)
  File "/local_disk0/.ephemeral_nfs/cluster_libraries/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/azure/core/", line 164, in map_error
    raise error
azure.core.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: The specified blob does not exist.
Content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Error><Code>BlobNotFound</Code><Message>The specified blob does not exist.

@hdamczy Hi Holger, I spoke with Engineering about this issue (the index.html not being written for Data Docs to an ADLS subdirectory when using a TupleAzureBlobStoreBackend), but they didn’t have any additional insight without more investigation. Typically we’d encourage a community contribution to fix it, however, since we’re busy working on the GX 1.0 release, acceptance of community PRs is on pause.

In the meantime, the best I can recommend is to:

  • Log this issue as a GitHub issue in the great-expectations repo, so that we have a record of it and can tag it for a community fix once we’re accepting PRs again.
  • Consider if there’s anything you may be able to add outside of GX code that might be able to serve as a workaround. For instance, if using a TupleFilesystemStoreBackend does work with the ADLS subdirectory, but generates files with a content-type incompatible with Azure (application/octet-stream), could you add a process to convert those files to text/html?

Hello , thank you for your reply.
I understand that your resources are blocked for GX 1.0.

I’d like to log this as a GitHub issue.
Due to I have never done this to make it complete and correct the first time is there a onepager for newbies? :slight_smile:
Is it possibility to reference/link to this issue here in Discourse?

Hey Holger, that is a good question! To my knowledge we don’t have a formal walkthrough, I’ll give you a few pointers here:

  • If you don’t already have a GitHub account, you’ll want to create one so that you can submit an issue.

  • Existing great-expectation issues are cataloged here: Issues · great-expectations/great_expectations · GitHub. Feel free to look through some to get a sense of contents.

  • This link will take you directly to the page to create a new issue (a Bug report, in your case):
    Sign in to GitHub · GitHub

  • The Bug report will provide a template (included here as a screenshot) to help you fill out the details of the issue. It’s quite similar to Discourse - you can include your written description in markdown and add images as needed.

You can link this Discourse issue directly in your provided description. In the issue, it will be most helpful to summarize our findings from this thread and include any code/visuals that can help to reproduce the issue - basically, you’re trying to make as easy as possible for another person to replicate the problem that you are encountering.

Hi ,

I created Data Docs in Azure ADLS $web subdirectory not working · Issue #9632 · great-expectations/great_expectations (

Thank you for your help so far.