I am trying to read a csv using the method ‘add_csv_asset’ for a data source created using a ephemeral data context, where the data asset is created by using this “context.sources.add_or_update_pandas(name=“test”)”.
when I subsequently run this command on the data asset:
add_csv_asset(data_asset_config.id, filepath_or_buffer=filepath, sep=sep, encoding=encoding, **params)
where in params I have expressed ‘date_format’ as a dictionary of col_name: string format for date
I get a pydantic validation error:
pydantic.v1.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for CSVAsset
str type expected (type=type_error.str)
If I try to read the csv with exact same parameters with pandas.read_csv() it works fine.
why is that? I expected from documentation that you implemented exactly the read_csv method from pandas. Thank you very much!