Feature Requests & Upcoming Workshops ✨

:speech_balloon: Feedback Requests :speech_balloon:
We’re always trying to better understand the needs of users like you so that we can make the product the best version of itself. If you have thoughts or experiences about either of the following two cases, we’d love to hear from you! @channel

  • Are you writing custom Expectations to cover a specific Data Quality case? @Allison Hirata (GX) would be excited to hear with you! See full feedback request here.
  • We’re also exploring how teams work with notifications and I’d love to hear about your experience. Check out @Akshat Vasavada (GX)’s full feedback request here.

:student: Upcoming Workshops :computer:
Save your seat before they fill up and gain the skills you need to catch bad data early, create purpose-built data quality tests, and take full control of your data quality.Join us on:

  • Tuesday, July 23, Getting Started with GX Cloud and Snowflake, 9AM PT / noon ET / 4pm UTC
  • Tuesday, August 13, Getting Started with GX Cloud and Postgres, 9AM PT / noon ET / 4pm UTC
  • Tuesday, August 27, Getting Started with GX Cloud and Snowflake, 9AM PT / noon ET / 4pm UTC

Sign up here!

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