Ge.from_pandas is not working

Not sure if ge.from_pandas function is still supported with GX 1.0 but it was working with 0.18.19 but not anymore with 1.0. Received below error:

AttributeError: module ‘great_expectations’ has no attribute ‘from_pandas’

hello there, please check out our updated 1.0 documentation here as there have been a few changes with the release of 1.0.

Hi, Below is the sample code of how I am currently using previous ge.from_pandas and validate the data. If possible, could you provide equivalent sample code/snippet with the changes you mentioned for 1.0?

query = “SELECT column1 FROM Table1”
data = ge.from_pandas(pd.read_sql(query, connection))
expectation_results = data.expect_column_values_to_not_be_null(
result_format={“result_format”: “BASIC”}
print(f"\tEXPECTATION: {‘PASS’ if expectation_results[‘success’] else ‘FAIL’}")

ge.from_pandas(pd.read_sql(query, connection) has changed:

Query Data Asset:

asset_name = "MY_QUERY_ASSET"
asset_query = "SELECT * from postgres_taxi_data"
query_data_asset = data_source.add_query_asset(query=asset_query, name=asset_name)

There are a number of other breaking changes in 1.0, largely around simplifying the interface, so I’d recommend checking out our documentation.

This page covers the full sequences on how to connect to and query SQL data and provides sample code.