We have Azure Synapse for Data Warehousing and on-prem MySQL DB for OLTP. Once we pull the on-prem data, everything runs in Azure.
How do I deploy GE on Azure?
We have Azure Synapse for Data Warehousing and on-prem MySQL DB for OLTP. Once we pull the on-prem data, everything runs in Azure.
How do I deploy GE on Azure?
We don’t have a specific recommendation for this deployment. Inviting the community members who are using GE on Azure to chime me.
What I mean is, what would be the ideal way to run GE in Azure? Options are:
I have on-prem MySQL database, data is moved to Azure Data Lake storage, then to Azure Synapse Data Warehouse. I would like to test in between these 3 stages. Everything is in Azure, so I would like to store GE metadata and data docs in there. My goal is the checks against integration tests and data quality tests.
Did you manage to get GE running in Azure? I’m keen to incorporate it into our Azure Data Factory pipeline.