How to configure a Validation Result store to postgresql

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This how-to guide uses the class DatabaseStoreBackend as the store_backend for validation results.

It was tested only with Postgres. If you want to store your Validation Results in a different database, please test this class - it might work without any modifications. If modifications are required, contributing your changes back to the open source is more than welcome.

Please find the updated link , the earlier link is broken

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@milan Thank you for noticing! The link was out of date after some documentation refactoring. I fixed the URL.

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I was speaking with Ben on Slack and he mentioned I should post here about an enhancement we feel users may get some value from. Often times, schemas are used to segregate tables in postgres according to functional area - it would be nice to support specification of a schema for the database backend. I’ve submitted a PR to implement this behavior:

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@GTLangseth This sounds like an excellent suggestion to me. I’ll review the PR this week.