How to create new validation using v3?


I tried to use following config in great_expectations.yml

  # the operator will call the following actions on each validation result
  # you can remove or add actions to this list. See the details in the actions
  # reference
    class_name: ActionListValidationOperator
      - name: store_validation_result
          class_name: StoreValidationResultAction
          target_store_name: validations_store

and ran as

context.run_validation_operator('action_list_operator', assets_to_validate=batch, run_name="test_validation")

It gave me the error

Your data context with this configuration version uses validation_operators, which are being deprecated.  Please update your configuration to be compatible with the version number 3.

But I couldn’t find the documentation for the version number 3 configuration.

The closet one I got is:

perform_action_list_operator:  # this is the name you will use when you invoke the operator
  class_name: ActionListValidationOperator

  # the operator will call the following actions on each validation result
  # you can remove or add actions to this list. See the details in the actions
  # reference
    - name: store_validation_result
        class_name: StoreValidationResultAction
        target_store_name: validations_store

and use it as

context.run_validation_operator('perform_action_list_operator', assets_to_validate=batch, run_name="test_validation")

It gave error:

Error while processing DataContextConfig: perform_action_list_operator
Encountered errors during loading config.  See ValidationError for more details.
great_expectations.exceptions.exceptions.InvalidDataContextConfigError: Error while processing DataContextConfig: perform_action_list_operator

I don’t understand what is " validation_operator_name you can instances of a class that implements a Validation Operator". How to do it?

great-expectations 0.13.14 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge


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