marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError: {'name': ['Unknown field.']}

hi everyone, I just follow the GitHub tutorial sql example to validate query data in Postgres. But get this error when commit ‘results =’. Can anyone help? many thanks~!!

Couple of questions to help understand this:

What version of GX are you using?
What version of Marshmallow do you have installed?
What operating system are you using?
Did you download the whole great_expectations/examples/demos/primary_keys_in_validation_results/sql/ folder when running this?

What version of GX are you using?

  • 0.18.9

What version of Marshmallow do you have installed?

  • 3.7.1

What operating system are you using?

  • VScode

Did you download the whole great_expectations/examples/demos/primary_keys_in_validation_results/sql/ folder when running this?

  • I only changed the DB connection & table schema

Hope to hear from you soon~ thank you!!

hiiii, I followed this code script and also struggled with the same error…

python code:

from great_expectations.core.batch import Batch
from great_expectations.data_context.types.resource_identifiers import ExpectationSuiteIdentifier
from great_expectations.expectations.expectation import Expectation
from great_expectations.expectations.expectation_suite import ExpectationSuite

~ Assuming you have a Data Context and a Batch object
context = …
batch = …

~ Create a Validator with the Batch and a name for the Expectation Suite
~ raise error when running this line
validator = context.get_validator(batch=batch, expectation_suite_name=“my_expectation_suite”)

~ Create an expectation that checks if the ‘age’ column contains only non-negative integers
validator.expect_column_values_to_be_between(column=“age”, min_value=0, max_value=None, inclusive=True)

~ Save the Expectation Suite to the Data Context
expectation_suite = validator.get_expectation_suite()

Any ideas? many many thanks!!


Thank you!
Unfortunately I haven’t gotten this error myself and even with the additional information can’t figure out what is going on.

Hopefully someone else knows something about this. Maybe @HaebichanGX?

I came across this in the Marshmallow documentation, does that help in any way?

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