Reading delta table data with supported 'DirectoryDeltaAsset' or 'DeltaAsset'

I am woking with a spark_abs data source and am finding it hard to connect to my data stored in the delta format.


  • context: FileDataContext
  • data-source: SparkAzureBlobStorageDatasource
  • data-asset: add_directory_delta_asset


When reading from an unpartitioned delta table i find that the reader attempts to read file by file which causes a partition fragment AnalysisException. Note that for this attempt the delta-table is written without any partitions.


  • abs_name_starts_with=pth
  • data_directory=pth

I have yet been able to find any good documentation on the delta_asset (or it’s directory counterpart) thus I am left questioning the impact of some of the additional requirements such as the recursive file discoverry (does the delta asset not understand the partitioning set when writing?) version_as_of, is that used for versioning the asset in case of changes to the data_directory?

Thank you kindly in advance for the help on this matter

am encountering an issue when trying to read from an unpartitioned Delta table. The following error is thrown:

great_expectations.exceptions.exceptions.ExecutionEngineError: Unable to read in batch from the following path: s3a://bucket/process-zone/xyz/abc/part-00000-0047ff6c-b97b-40b9-b503-033156acb61b-c000.snappy.parquet. Please check your configuration