Unable to upgrade GX Core from 0.18.21 to 1.0.5

I am unable to upgrade GX to latest version with Python 3.12.3 & pip 24.2

Installation command tried:
= pip install great_expectations==1.0.5
= pip install great_expectations

Error message: No matching distribution found for great_expectations==1.0.5

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It still installs great-expectations-0.18.21

are you using a notebook or you are installing locally? maybe it’s your cache?

& pip cache purge
&& pip install great_expectations --force-reinstall

can you provide more details of your environment if that doesnt work

I’m facing the same. MacOS. When i do ‘which great_expectations’, it says ’ not found’. Then i install 'pip install great_expectations=1.2.4", it installed successfully. But when i do ‘which great_expectations’ again, it says ‘not found’.

I found that the great_expectations was installed in “/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages”, whereas other packages like pyspark are in “/opt/anaconda3/envs/py3.11.10/bin/pyspark”

In the past we can do ‘which great_expectations’. However, now even if this is not able to do so, I’m able to do a ‘import great_expectations’ in my python file and doing great_expectations.version gives me 1.2.4 . So, i think it’s fine

Yes, that’s fine. The issue you’re encountering is because the CLI is deprecated. To check the Great Expectations version moving forward, you can also use the following command:

print(f'GX Version: {gx.__version__}')

That said, your installation appears to be fine.