ValueError when trying to create CloudDataContext

I’m trying to create a Cloud Data Context, per these instructions, which says:

import great_expectations as gx

context = gx.get_context(mode=“cloud”)

When I run these commands, a few lines run, but then I get an error that says" “ValueError: Provided mode cloud returned context of type NoneType instead of CloudDataContext; please check your input arguments.”

what line is causing that error?

Line 234, in_build_context raise ValueError( #noqa: TRY003, TRY004…)

I am not sure that I follow. Are these the only lines that you are running?:

import great_expectations as gx
context = gx.get_context(mode=“cloud”)

What version of GX are you on?

I answered my own question. I hadn’t properly set the environment variables, which I have now done, and it works.