this is the runtimebatchrequest
data_asset_name=“default_name”, # this can be anything that identifies this data
runtime_parameters={“query”: combined_query},
batch_identifiers={“default_identifier_name”: “default_identifier”},
this is the combined_query
combined_query = WITH data_table_1 AS (SELECT ‘category_1’ AS type, COUNT() AS cnt FROM table_1_union UNION SELECT ‘category_2’ AS type, COUNT() AS cnt FROM table_2_union),
data_table_2 AS (SELECT ‘category_1’ AS type, COUNT() AS cnt FROM table_1_values UNION SELECT ‘category_2’ AS type, COUNT() AS cnt FROM table_2_values)
SELECT COUNT(d.diff) FROM (SELECT dt1.type, ABS(dt1.cnt - dt2.cnt) AS diff
FROM data_table_1 dt1 JOIN data_table_2 dt2 ON dt1.type = dt2.type) d
WHERE d.diff > 0
this is the validator
validator_query = self.gx_context.get_validator(batch_request = batch)
the error that i am getting
(psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError) syntax error at or near “(”\nLINE 2: FROM (SELECT b1 as( select 'pt_lat_value' as type, count(*) …\n ^\n\n[SQL: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE “gx_temp_d875805f” AS SELECT * \nFROM (SELECT data_table_1 AS (SELECT ‘category_1’ AS type, COUNT() AS cnt FROM table_1_union UNION SELECT ‘category_2’ AS type, COUNT() AS cnt FROM table_2_union),
data_table_2 AS (SELECT ‘category_1’ AS type, COUNT() AS cnt FROM table_1_values UNION SELECT ‘category_2’ AS type, COUNT() AS cnt FROM table_2_values)
SELECT COUNT(d.diff) FROM (SELECT dt1.type, ABS(dt1.cnt - dt2.cnt) AS diff
FROM data_table_1 dt1 JOIN data_table_2 dt2 ON dt1.type = dt2.type) d
WHERE d.diff > 0) AS anon_1 \nWHERE true]\n(Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 2.0 Documentation)
“the query that gx uses to build the temporary table excluded the “with” part and this is giving syntax error.”
I am new to GX so it will be great help for me.