GX Cloud Metadata Storage

Hello GX Community, I am new to GX and currently working on a project to run the DQ tests using GX.
We are using the OSS version. I would like to understand how the GX cloud works and so I have the below questions: -

  1. Where are the data centers for the GX cloud? (location name)
  2. Will the data be saved on the cloud or only the metadata?
  3. What exactly is saved as part of the metadata ?

Kindly help me out with these details. Many thanks!

Hi Rizwan,

Thanks for the question! Here are some answers to your questions:

  1. GX Cloud data centers use AWS hosting services in the US East region.
  2. All of your tested data does not leave your own infrastructure. GX Cloud only stores the metadata. However, due to the nature of the metadata, some of it can be sensitive, depending on what is generated for any given data set.
  3. This question is unfortunately a bit too broad to be answered here. In short, it depends on the given configuration of GX Cloud and the data being tested. If you have specific concerns or questions, please reach out to us directly and we’d be happy to work with you!

If you need any clarification, please let us know!