Updates to the GX Cloud interface

We’ve made some updates to the GX Cloud interface recently! Here’s a quick rundown of the current and upcoming changes:

:world_map: We’ve made navigation easier: the “Expectation Suites” and “Checkpoints” options are gone from the menu bar. Your Data Assets are now the center of your GX Cloud experience.

:alarm_clock: Expectation scheduling is now accessible through your Data Asset’s “Expectations” tab.

:link: If you open a direct link to an “Expectation Suite” or “Checkpoints” page, you’ll now get a 404 error. Use the left nav bar to find the relevant Data Asset.

:gear: These changes don’t affect the operation of your current GX Cloud setup: you can access your Expectation Suites through their associated Data Asset, and GX Cloud now manages Checkpoints automatically.

:soon: Even more exciting usability updates are in the works! Our goal with these is to dial in your GX Cloud experience, so you only ever need to think about two things: your Data Assets and their Expectations.